Arrival & Dismissal at Avery
How To Drive to Avery
Enter Avery School campus by turning onto Recreation Rd via Whiting Ave. Recreation Rd is located next to the Dedham High School football field (see photo below).
Walk/Ride to School
- Students walking home exit through the main entrance of the building.
- Walking up to pick up your child? Your students and their teachers will meet you at the main entrance.
Families and students should only cross at Recreation Road where there is a crosswalk and/or where a crossing guard can safely help you across the street.
Running Late?
Call us in the Main Office to let us know your student is running late.
Arrival - Drop Off - Procedures
When students arrive to school by car at Avery Elementary, for their safety, we have students line up with their class and enter the school together.
After exiting the car:
- Grades 1 & 2 students line up at main entrance.
- Grades 3-5 line up on the basketball court.
Important Note:
There is no adult supervision before 8:30 am. If you arrive with your student before this time, please wait with them in your vehicle until Avery Staff arrive to welcome students for the day.
Dismissal - Pick Up - Procedures
Who Are You Picking Up?
Post the student's LAST NAME & THEIR CLASS on the dashboard (example: BENNET 2D).
- Enter on Recreation Road.
- Staff will help students into the cars. We can typically help 4-5 cars at a time. Please be patient.
- For their safety, student(s) will only be allowed to enter the car on the passenger side.
- Please wait for the cars ahead of you to leave, DO NOT drive around the car in front of you.